A Very Literary Wiki

2014 fourth, and as of 2018 latest, installment in Steven Gould's Jumper series.


488 standard pages (if Kindle locations are 125 characters).

First read (September 2018)[]




Well, obviously Steven Gould has read a lot about space and wanted to demonstrate that! There was an excessive amount of describing how and why space suits need to be this and that way. But I found it interesting and fun :P Coincidentally, I was teaching grade 7s about space suits at the time.

I liked seeing the series move and develop a lot between books. I obviously really enjoyed the space stuff in this one. I think this is probably the best of the series in terms of characters, but the action was put on the backburner again, with a token, rather brief, final fight with the recurring villain at the end after not much challenge.



Series overall[]

18 09 09 Jumper series

Solid, maybe high, 1.

I definitely enjoyed it, but I definitely thought it was not too skillfully written. Like young adult fiction, if you don't mind a small amount of explicit subject matter (I dunno, maybe that's normal - I wouldn't want to read it to a class of teenagers though). The fact that only the protagonists had the jumping power, and they never fell out with each other, was one of many convenient things about the plots. I couldn't help thinking how easy they had it all the time - and how little they did to help mankind with their exclusive, physics-breaking power. Infinite energy, anyone?
